My little angel is getting her first tooth... at least I hope she is. The last 72 hours at the Wilson house have been full of shrieking, screaming, and slobbering. She won't eat, she won't sleep, and I'm pretty sure that if she actually had any chompers in there, she would have taken a chunk out of my hand by now. (Please refer to exhibits A & B.)
Exhibit A "Happy baby before teething process."
Exhibit B "One pissed off little princess during teething process."
My two older children never went through this, so this is a new experience for me. I have conjured up all the equipment you need to deal with a teething child... and nothing has worked yet. One set of tools is used on the baby, the other set is for mommy. (Please refer to exhibits C & D)
Exhibit C "baby tools"
Exhibit D "Mommy tools"
Don't get your panties in a bunch.. i haven't turned to Sailor Jerry for any help yet. However I'm pretty sure my grandparents would say that a little rum on her gums would help... but I'm sure with today's parenting standards, DCFS would be knocking on my door in no time. So please keep my little angel in your prayers until this process is finally over.. and please keep my sanity in your prayers as well. :)